Saturday 26 April 2008

I'm guessing its going to be another quiet period again - long for who knows?
What I have got to learn to do is not wonder "what next?" "when next?" When its been a while I don't think that at all - but when something happens for a week or so I find myself thinking "hmm - so what they gonna do next and will it be soon?" Does wear off though. Its weird to try and explain cos it doesn't bother me bother me.....I mean it doesn't occupy my every thought or get me down to the point of despair or anything like that. Its like when you have a spot and it just irritates you cos its there and you just have to wait for it to disappear - but you know that sometime in the future a spot is likely to rear its very ugly head again - you just can't tell where or when it will be.
Could you sit in your car for a couple of hours?? I mean just sit there - just parked up on a road side on your own - just the radio for company...... If I had a spare few hours to myself, I can't imagine thinking - "I know I'll go for a little drive, park up then just sit there for a couple of hours.....then I'll go home again." Sometimes I sit at work and think of all the things I could be doing instead even to the extent that I would actually prefer to be at home sometimes doing the housework!!!!!! If I had the day off, afternoon off....whatever I certainly wouldnt spend 2 hours parked up outside someone's house in my car........What would go through your mind while you were sat there? What would you hope to achieve by it??

It something I have always wondered in terms of people chasing after celebs. Now as much as I love Robbie Williams I can honestly say that the thought has never crossed my mind to go sit outside his house......but I kind of understand why you'd do it with a celeb - hope to catch a glimpse of them, hope that they see you and decide to speak to you...... but just an average Jo Bloggs....nope - don't get it.

Friday 25 April 2008

What do I mean....learning to live with the hassle?

.....Some people ask me why I don't do more about it. Believe me - I have tried!!! People have said how can I put up with it? - Easy - I'm in love. If I could turn the clock back what would I change??? Not a single thing.

Instead I have to learn to live with it, ignore it, laugh at it and pretend its never happened/happens.......easier said than done though. I have bored my friends to tears with my stories of it, some of them aren't about anymore, some of them have just made distance between them and me - so here starts my blog.........learning to live with the hassle.

In some respects it makes me smile to think that my life is so interesting to someone else - that someone takes time in their day to think about me, tries to find things out about me, tries to think of ways to hassle me and my other half..........I would love to have time in my day to be able to fit all that in as well!!!!

In other respects it makes me angry - why on earth should they be trying to do this to me? They'll never achieve what they ultimately want - if it was going to happen it'd have happened before now.

Then I feel sorry for them - sorry that they clearly don't have anything else in their life to stop them thinking about me. Is their life so boring that they need to cling onto whats happening or what they think might be happening in mine????