Tuesday 12 August 2008

Do you ever feel that no matter how hard you try things just will never happen for you????

Maybe I don't try hard enough - maybe thats the problem. I don't compare myself to others as much as I used to - but its hard not to sometimes. I get so peed off that we work so hard and things seem to go wrong for us, or other people seem to do so little but everything falls into their laps for them. (or they just take take take off others/family)

I started to chase a dream but I should've realised it would never be reality shouldn't I?? When does anything ever happen for me? Friends and family said "yeah go for it - you'll achieve it" - but do they just saying that to humour me?? Seems perhaps so. My gorgeous fiance told me it didn't matter what anyone else thought cos he thinks I am good enough and thats all that matters to him. Yes that did bring a tear to my eye......but then I want to cry even more thinking that I may go through life and have no achievements what so ever........nothing.

I need to sort myself out really don't i? - Is it true that positive thinking, positive attitude brings positive things??

1 comment:

Bernardeena said...

I think we all have days and times of our life where we feel that no matter what we do nothing is changing, things do change though and we sometimes just need to hang in there and push through the rough times.

All I can say is hang in there and read through the list of 45 things that you have below again.